A suspenseful, slow-burning, psychological thriller. After finding a mysterious bag of money, a young man flees Los Angeles, convinced his life is in danger - A bag of money, a tumultuous chase, and a story of man vs. self.
Starring Christian Gnecco Quintero & Stefanie Rons
Jared Douglas
Jared Douglas
Christian Gnecco Quintero
Stefanie Rons
Dwayne Tarver
Ramona Thornton
Sho Ariji
Stefanie Rons
Denise Hoey
Darvin Jennings
David Andrew Butcher
Breanna Vasquez
Jared Douglas
Jared Douglas
Jared Douglas
Neeraj Jain
Christian Gnecco Quintero
Taylor Ito
Julian Pollack
Neeraj Jain
Jared Douglas
Ashley Kron
Marly Hall
Megan Lauchner
Breeana Kovelman
Josh Kay
Christina Lu
Keith Hodne
Alan Balandra
Eric Di Stefano
Phillip E. Le Gault
Tomasso Pompei
Robbie Pugliese
Ryan Schumer
Damon Mavroudis
Ryan Palmer
Nicole Scheiner
Tim Toda
Sarah Clingenpeel
Samantha Astolfi
Clare Movshon
Eric Rapp
Rob Sciarratta
Nicholas Escobar
Nicholas Murphy
Byron Rodriguez
Ronald J. Levin
Rylan Mitchell
J.S. Mateo